This is a belated post for yesterday... To be honest, I'm not sure if I was able to hit my goal of making an impact yesterday. It was a day filled with doing research on freelance opportunities, and catching up with friends about their careers and start-up endeavors.
Oh, I did sign up for a bunch of NY Cares volunteer opportunities in the next few weeks! So planting the seeds of good deeds in advance, I suppose :)
suddenly Liberated
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Day 2
What a beautiful day for Day 2. Started off with an awesome outdoor training session with client E., who has boundless energy and loves it when I challenge her to the max.
I think I got at least one - maybe on the path to two - good deeds in fairly early this morning. May have facilitated a friend or two getting new jobs - or at least the opportunity to take a look at those positions. Also reached out to the good folks leading the charge on saving the roller hockey games at the park on Houston & 6th Ave, to see if there's any way I can help (as ex-journalist that's currently on sabbatical).
I think I got at least one - maybe on the path to two - good deeds in fairly early this morning. May have facilitated a friend or two getting new jobs - or at least the opportunity to take a look at those positions. Also reached out to the good folks leading the charge on saving the roller hockey games at the park on Houston & 6th Ave, to see if there's any way I can help (as ex-journalist that's currently on sabbatical).
Monday, June 3, 2013
Day 1
Ahhh, the first day of feeling truly liberated from finance/investment-related work. The CFA exam, though less than 72 hours past, already feels like ancient history.
Today was a productive Day 1 of sudden liberation.
- helping a fellow alum with finding nutritionists to speak with so that she could explore a new career path
- writing and submitting an article to a local personal trainers group that will hopefully be helpful in both sharing training tips and generating client leads
- talking with someone about potentially getting involved with his fitness/entertainment-related start-up opportunity
- completing my profile/application to seek potential funding to fund my own start-up idea
All to be followed by some meetings / calls lined up for the next week or two to discuss other opportunities.
Wrapped up the day by making dinner for my J (baked tilapia and fingerling potatoes; power greens salad with roasted beets and ranch dressing; and a quinoa fruit bake that tastes suspiciously similar to bread pudding - yum!)
May the adventures continue!
Today was a productive Day 1 of sudden liberation.
- helping a fellow alum with finding nutritionists to speak with so that she could explore a new career path
- writing and submitting an article to a local personal trainers group that will hopefully be helpful in both sharing training tips and generating client leads
- talking with someone about potentially getting involved with his fitness/entertainment-related start-up opportunity
- completing my profile/application to seek potential funding to fund my own start-up idea
All to be followed by some meetings / calls lined up for the next week or two to discuss other opportunities.
Wrapped up the day by making dinner for my J (baked tilapia and fingerling potatoes; power greens salad with roasted beets and ranch dressing; and a quinoa fruit bake that tastes suspiciously similar to bread pudding - yum!)
May the adventures continue!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Back from the Dark Side
And after a 4 year hiatus, I've finally escaped from Corporate Zombieland!! Only this time, I'm armed with some more degrees/certifications/skill sets, and a whole lot more savvy. Goes to show you can't escape destiny...
Here's the plan:
- Pre-liberation (until June 1): study (well, cram like crazy) for the CFA Level II exam, and kick its *ss from here to Uranus :) Not sure what I'll do with this in the future, but figure it can't hurt to have a strong grasp of ethics and fiduciary duty in this crazy, crazy world we live in.
- Over the next 6 months: do personal training full-time, learn to code (thanks Code Academy!), learn new languages (suggestions welcome), reconnect with long lost friends, and meet a whole bunch of cool people. get involved with some cool start-ups. maybe write a book based on the long list of ideas created 3 years.
- Every month: plan/execute a project/event that shares the joy of fitness with the world.
- Every week: learn/do something that will better equip me to make the world a better place. share it with others.
- Every day: do something that will make the world (or some microcosm of the world) a better place. write it down.
- Every second: be thankful to have the opportunity to do this, and commit to making the absolute most of this freedom that I can.
I've taken a lot in the last few years as part of the almost 1% (fine, still pretty darn far from the 1%). Now it's time to give back.
Here's the plan:
- Pre-liberation (until June 1): study (well, cram like crazy) for the CFA Level II exam, and kick its *ss from here to Uranus :) Not sure what I'll do with this in the future, but figure it can't hurt to have a strong grasp of ethics and fiduciary duty in this crazy, crazy world we live in.
- Over the next 6 months: do personal training full-time, learn to code (thanks Code Academy!), learn new languages (suggestions welcome), reconnect with long lost friends, and meet a whole bunch of cool people. get involved with some cool start-ups. maybe write a book based on the long list of ideas created 3 years.
- Every month: plan/execute a project/event that shares the joy of fitness with the world.
- Every week: learn/do something that will better equip me to make the world a better place. share it with others.
- Every day: do something that will make the world (or some microcosm of the world) a better place. write it down.
- Every second: be thankful to have the opportunity to do this, and commit to making the absolute most of this freedom that I can.
I've taken a lot in the last few years as part of the almost 1% (fine, still pretty darn far from the 1%). Now it's time to give back.

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Rescued by the Credit Markets
To those of you who read my previous post: Don't worry - no stifling mortgage debt is in my near-term future. I talked with probably half a dozen mortgage brokers/bankers/planners over the last couple of days, and the conclusion was that it's pretty much impossible for them to underwrite someone who's planning to be unemployed, or even "self-employed". Nonetheless, these conversations were very enlightening and hopefully will be helpful when I am eventually (gainfully employed again and) really looking to purchase a home. The funny thing is, the most enlightening part of these conversations was that I heard a different answer from literally everyone that I spoke with. How about that? Really instills trust in the system.
Separately, I have spent the last few evenings poring through Doostang's Austin job listings, then quickly expanded my search to other geographies given the scarcity of postings for that city. I am casting a wider geographic net primarily for informational purposes, just to see what else is out there that sounds interesting, and what skills and professional experiences I should focus on acquiring. However, it is a little disturbing that, despite having sent out my resume to at least 35 companies, I haven't yet heard back from anyone. I could just be too impatient, or the job market could really be that tough out there. Or, I could be completely right about the irrelevance of the skill set I currently use in my current position, and that while it's going to be tough in the short- and medium-term to get traction with the transition, it may well result in the best turnout in the long-term. And besides, I'm not too tied up in knots about the prospect of not working next year, as I've already spent virtually all of this blog to date documenting my process of developing a downside-case scenario for next year.
Another helpful motivator to spend more time searching for greener pastures: A helpful lil' birdie recently gave me the heads up that I may well be a sitting duck at my current firm. Certain people appear to be waiting pounce on any mistakes or missteps that I may make, as they try to gather evidence to undermine my performance and capabilities. I liken it to a hypothetical scenario where a vengeful ex-lover tries to bring you down with slander because you've crushed his ego by breaking up with him first. Moving on...
On a more positive note, I'll leave off today with this following inspirational quote that a friend forwarded to me today:
"Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love that you love, well, that's just fabulous."
Separately, I have spent the last few evenings poring through Doostang's Austin job listings, then quickly expanded my search to other geographies given the scarcity of postings for that city. I am casting a wider geographic net primarily for informational purposes, just to see what else is out there that sounds interesting, and what skills and professional experiences I should focus on acquiring. However, it is a little disturbing that, despite having sent out my resume to at least 35 companies, I haven't yet heard back from anyone. I could just be too impatient, or the job market could really be that tough out there. Or, I could be completely right about the irrelevance of the skill set I currently use in my current position, and that while it's going to be tough in the short- and medium-term to get traction with the transition, it may well result in the best turnout in the long-term. And besides, I'm not too tied up in knots about the prospect of not working next year, as I've already spent virtually all of this blog to date documenting my process of developing a downside-case scenario for next year.
Another helpful motivator to spend more time searching for greener pastures: A helpful lil' birdie recently gave me the heads up that I may well be a sitting duck at my current firm. Certain people appear to be waiting pounce on any mistakes or missteps that I may make, as they try to gather evidence to undermine my performance and capabilities. I liken it to a hypothetical scenario where a vengeful ex-lover tries to bring you down with slander because you've crushed his ego by breaking up with him first. Moving on...
On a more positive note, I'll leave off today with this following inspirational quote that a friend forwarded to me today:
"Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love that you love, well, that's just fabulous."
Sunday, July 26, 2009
smart or crazy or both?
I think I'm going to go try and buy a house or condo in Austin! If I get a 2-3 bedroom, I can rent out the other room(s) and make money that way, even though my salary's probably going to be zip to scheissty. What do you think? Totally crazy?? To be honest, I *still* haven't visited Austin yet, but I will almost definitely make a quick trip in August just to wrap things up on that front.
So I had sort of been a rut for the last couple of weeks. I attributed this rut to the increasing pressure I've felt to line up something productive and profitable post-San Diego, but with a big problem being that my hands are tied for the next five months until I've wrapped up the current gig.
However, with this new home-search project, I feel very much rejuvenated. A prize to keep my eye on. I'm going from private equity to home equity, baby. And yes folks, she's still a geek.
On a separate front, the project to liberate myself from fear of commitment (i.e., Project Kitty-Momma) has been going pretty well. Unlike me (and my accidentally self-induced food poisoning episode this weekend), all systems are a go on the digestive front for the two kitten-fluffs. The dynamic duo certainly are prolific in their poo and pee :) In fact, as I was watching Skylar make his most recent exit from the kitty-loo just now, this little jingle spontaneously composed itself in my head:
"Straight from the litterbox, onto my bed,
That's what you're good at, poopy-head"
That's the update.
Oh yeah - and probably no more word bombs, as I think the GMAT will be enough for my graduate school application efforts this fall. Sorry to disappoint all of you fellow nerds out there :)
However, this means I am going to spend more time on my Mandarin and Spanish, so I just might drop y'all a treat now and then.
So I had sort of been a rut for the last couple of weeks. I attributed this rut to the increasing pressure I've felt to line up something productive and profitable post-San Diego, but with a big problem being that my hands are tied for the next five months until I've wrapped up the current gig.
However, with this new home-search project, I feel very much rejuvenated. A prize to keep my eye on. I'm going from private equity to home equity, baby. And yes folks, she's still a geek.
On a separate front, the project to liberate myself from fear of commitment (i.e., Project Kitty-Momma) has been going pretty well. Unlike me (and my accidentally self-induced food poisoning episode this weekend), all systems are a go on the digestive front for the two kitten-fluffs. The dynamic duo certainly are prolific in their poo and pee :) In fact, as I was watching Skylar make his most recent exit from the kitty-loo just now, this little jingle spontaneously composed itself in my head:
"Straight from the litterbox, onto my bed,
That's what you're good at, poopy-head"
That's the update.
Oh yeah - and probably no more word bombs, as I think the GMAT will be enough for my graduate school application efforts this fall. Sorry to disappoint all of you fellow nerds out there :)
However, this means I am going to spend more time on my Mandarin and Spanish, so I just might drop y'all a treat now and then.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Make-up word-bombs
Wow, I'm really behind on the word-bombs. To make up for it, here are some of the recently-added favorites to my geek-speak cheat-sheet:
Jejune: Insubstantial; lacking in nutritive value
Peregrination: Traveling or wandering around
Senescence: Aging; the organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increased age
Obstreperous: Noisily and stubbornly defiant
Ascetic: Austere
And my most favorite of all:
Perspicacious: Acutely perceptive; having keen discernment
Jejune: Insubstantial; lacking in nutritive value
Peregrination: Traveling or wandering around
Senescence: Aging; the organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increased age
Obstreperous: Noisily and stubbornly defiant
Ascetic: Austere
And my most favorite of all:
Perspicacious: Acutely perceptive; having keen discernment
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
It almost slipped by...
...but caught it just in time. Happy two-month anniversary, sL! 176 days to go. Gotta keep truckin' and dancin' la vida loca.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
New Contender: Honolulu
There's a new contender on the block, as the Austin concept is no longer going uncontested. Random, I know, but Honolulu has unexpectedly entered the running as a potential backdrop for the next chapter of my life. I'll get to work on the comp analysis between the key Merits/Risks of Austin vs Honolulu and report back shortly.
As a side note, yes, I have been somewhat distracted in the last few weeks. During that time, much of my attention was redirected toward surviving with a kitten in the house. Now that things seem to be on track in that front (knock on wood - I've yet to bring Kitten #2 home), I'll be spending more time pondering the meaning of life and delineating the various paths in my "Choose your own adventure" approach to life.
As a side note, yes, I have been somewhat distracted in the last few weeks. During that time, much of my attention was redirected toward surviving with a kitten in the house. Now that things seem to be on track in that front (knock on wood - I've yet to bring Kitten #2 home), I'll be spending more time pondering the meaning of life and delineating the various paths in my "Choose your own adventure" approach to life.
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